
A place where I get to rant, rave and point out the seemingly obvious, but which I'm constantly amazed to find is not as crystal clear to others. Guess the old saying about there being no single objective reality is true after all!

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Location: Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Save the environment - don't breed!

I'm getting a little tired of people whingeing about saving the planet while not curtailing their breeding instincts. The planet's problems are largely due to overpopulation, imnsho, and so it's only logical that the single biggest contribution any human can make to preserving the environment is to not have any children. It's that simple.


Blogger A shade of Red said...


12:53 pm  
Blogger A shade of Red said...

Cogent argument and I agree.

9:57 am  
Blogger dori said...

But I recycle - so can't I just have ONE?! ;>

4:36 pm  
Blogger Zapruder said...

How about a timeshare option with other parents, lol

1:40 pm  
Blogger Roy Blumenthal said...

Nope. Not that simple, Zapman.

Here's the flaw in your argument...

It's not the overpopulation per se... it's WHO is doing the overcrowding.

We need fewer UNintelligent people roaming the earth. It's the utter dorks who are ruining everything, not the uber-intelligent. (Although, some may have argued at some point that George Dubbya Bush was a member of the intellectual elite. Which kinda proves my point in a twisted way.)

Blue skies

2:57 pm  
Blogger Zapruder said...

Hmm, don't see a difference really - could be argued that there are plenty of "intelligent" ones who are ruining the earth too. How do you measure intelligence etc. I think just cull half the population, intelligent or not, and ban procreation until the planet has rejuvenated itself, lol

3:32 pm  
Blogger Roy Blumenthal said...

Well, the problem with my solution is that it's inherently Nazi.

Your solution is hardcore libertarian.

So we're both hardcore rightwinders at core, if our comments are to be taken at face value.

In truth, I think e're both just a little bit pissed off at the assholery that's present in the world. And we'd like it to stop.

I have a strong sense that Mr Bush has set things in motion that will make your desire come to pass. I think the Third World War is on, is happening, and we're all pretty much in the path of obliteration.

Blue skies

3:39 pm  
Blogger Zapruder said...

Yep, becoming more hardcore as the years pass, lol. Agree totally on the level of idiocy in the world.

Also agree that there is very probably a big conflict coming - finally the westerners get the chance to act of the racism that has always been buried beneath their sickening facade of political correctness.

Rays of light, however...
1) The southern hemisphere won't necessarily be that affected (esp if you believe Nostradamus)

2) There is a sea change coming in America (and the sheepish Brits will follow) - some VERY interesting shifts of attitude coming through in news articles - what seems to be happening is that the more enlightened Americans who are normally content to just let society get on with it, are realising that this left the doors open for the right-wing fundamentalists to take over. It really does seem as if they're getting determined change that now that they've woken up. (For more, follow my Common Dreams link)

3) I'd rather live under the Chinese than the Americans. Or Islam, for that matter!

3:59 pm  

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